Professional Liability
Professional Liability Insurance - Errors & Omissions
Do I Need Professional Liability Insurance?
If you provide a service, advice, consulting or a business process that could lead to a financial loss to a customer, the answer is yes.
Doesn’t my General Liability/Business Owner's Policy cover me? General Liability policies typically only cover two things: Bodily Injury & Property Damage. Hence, a great deal of additional exposure exists for professionals.
Your General Liability or Business Owner's Policy carrier may be quick to deny your claim and assert that they have no duty to defend you as result of a suit or claim based on your professional service. Even the most confident professionals understand the cost of defense for a professional liability claim would compromise their practice and financial well-being far greater than the minimal cost of a Professional Liability policy.
Also, most professional service contracts require professionals to cover or indemnify their clients and sometimes 3rd parties for “Errors and/or Omissions”. These contracts may specify a required professional E&O limit of $1,000,000 to $5,000,000, even for what may seem like a small contract.
Professional Liability Insurance Policies are unique:
One of our experienced and licensed agents will review important coverages and provisions with you.
Coverage may be on a Claims-Made basis.
Extension of coverage to encompass all professional service provided.
Coverage should include legal defense costs in addition to the policy limit when available.
Includes all employees, independent contractors.
Coverage must meet all of your contractual obligations with your customer.
Contact us today to discuss your needs for Professional Liability/E&O!
IT/Technology Services E&O Liability
Lawyers Professional Liability
Consultants Professional Liability
Construction Managers/Developers E&O
Health Care Provider/Home Health E&O
Employment Practices Liability (EPLI)
Miscellaneous Errors & Omissions Liability
Architects & Engineers Professional Liability
Accountants Professional Liability
Not-For-Profit Directors & Officers with Employment Practices Liability